Friday, January 21, 2011

In the news: My thoughts

Heres some of my thoughts about some things that have recently been in the news:

 Jean-Claude Duvalier, former Dictator of Haiti, is arrested in Haiti two days after he arrives in the country. Charged with Corruption and Embezzlement. Come on people, who didn't see this coming. He was a dictator for 15 years that cared more about his personal pleasures than his people. I can't beleive i've seen pictures of supporters of this man!

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is in the news again. Apparently it was a 17 year old this time. They both deny it, but I'm not sure I would believe anything that comes out of  Berlusconi's mouth regarding anything that has to do with women. After all the gaffes and his displays of poor taste, he really should be replaced as his party leader
Gabrielle Giffords to be moved from hospital to rehab facility. I'm glad she survived, and hope she gets to return to her chosen occupation. Best of luck to her. Maybe the violent rhetoric (I'm looking at you Palin.) in the states will cool of a bit for a while. (On a side note: Blood libel, Sarah? Are you TRYING to find ways to be massively offensive?)

Austrian authorities are searching for a bank robber who uses a Barack Obama mask during his holdups. Lets face it: This is just Fucking bizarre. Please put the gun down, Mr. President. 

A little closer to home for me: British Colombia meat plant covers up positive E. coli test. Why the fuck would you cover this up? People could have been killed! Fuckers! Putting your own interests before the safety of the people? They could be members of the Republican party!

Wikipedia turns 10! Here is hoping for another 10 years. I'm addicted to the little blue links. Look something up and end up somewhere totally different from where you started. It's an adventure!

For the record, I avoided Fox news like the plague while reading stories, as i have found that their news tends to be highly biased and sometimes downright false or misleading.

Thats all I have for today. Sorry about the long pause, Christmas time and then a panicked couple of weeks at work.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Canadian Health care for dummies.

After having a few discussions with American friends regarding the Canadian health care system, I thought I'd write a quick synopsis (so i can stop having to explain it over and over) and rant a bit after.

Most health care in Canada (barring hospitals) is provided by private enterprises or private corporations.
This means that doctors are not in the employ of the government, but rather are private practices. Doctors are paid on a fee-per-visit/service and bill the insurer.
The Public part of our health care system is that your health insurance is provided by the government of the province in which you reside. It's funded primarily through income taxes. There are some things it doesn't cover, such as prescription drugs (although drug prices are negotiated with suppliers by the federal government to keep cost under control) and non-emergency dental care. Cosmetic surgery is not covered by provincial health insurance.

It gets a little more complicated than that, but this is a synopsis, not a full blown critique.

Basically it boils down to this: Except for hospitals, Health care in Canada is provided privately, but paid for publicly.

I like the set up the Canadian health care has. Even though health insurance is publicly funded, it still cost the government lest per capita that the US (US$3,678 for Canada, and U.S., US$6,714 for the states in 2006). Please note: This is GOVERNMENT spending. Private insurers are NOT included in this number.

I personally think the US should have adopted a similar system to Canada's. The only problem is the republican party seems to be in the private insurance companies pocket. It really doesn't have anything to do with ideology, as it is in the best interest of the people. It has everything to do with the almighty dollar.

Maybe one day they'll pull their heads out of their asses and realize its better for the government AND the people. Just once I'd like to see them say: Screw you big business, we're going to do what's right for the people, not your pockets.

This will never happen. Mostly because of guys like this:
Now i know why Bill and Ted were always like "Whoa......"
This is some good shit......

He is not a politician, but leads a large, very vocal cult of followers and like minds. They opposed the health care reform most likely because they were to busy sticking their heads in the sand to do a little research about the Scary Communist Canadian health care system. That and Capitalism is far more important than the well being of The People, apparently.

You see, the thing that's best about the Canadian health care system is this: Young, old, terminal illness, emergencies, just a check up, its always there for you. If you are live in Canada and you need health care, they will never turn you away because you have no health insurance. All you have to do is smile, present your provincial health card, and wait your turn. It's by no means perfect, it has its share of problems, but the system does work.

Oh, and one other thing: Medicinal Marijuana is legal in Canada if you have the right paperwork. Anyone in chronic pain doesn't always have to rely on pharmaceutical painkillers with high addiction rates unless necessary. It's a nice touch.

Thanks for reading, now i don't have to explain it every damn time someone asks. If you want a little more info the Wikipedia article covers a lot more.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

In Agreement, But this is a little absurd.

While I totally agree with the reasoning behind Anonymous' attacks on websites having to do with the whole WikiLeaks issue. I cannot agree with their methods. I believe that wikileaks is worth saving, but i can not condone actions that can have a detrimental effect on people who are not involved.

Firstly, a list of the thus far attacked sites:

PostFinance (A Swiss bank)
Swedish Prosecution Authority
Amazon (it should be noted that the attack on Amazon was not successful. Given that they bring in extra servers for the Christmas rush, this does not come as a surprise) (Sarah Palin's website)

The biggest problem i have is that  fairly un-tech savy people are downloading the LOIC (Low orbit ion cannon). The LOIC does NOT hide your IP address. This means unless you are using a VPN or spoofing you IP address (something that many people using the LOIC might not know how to do) they can check and find out exactly where you are as was the case of a 16 year old dutch boy. It strikes me that no one received warning that this was the case before they use the program.

This is serious, as any citizen of the US at least, is going to be hit with espionage or terrorism charges if they have an IP address traced back to them.

For more wikileaks news head over to Things are totally happening. Ashley has got some good stuff.

P.S. Sorry about the time between posts. Work got its claws into me.