Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Just damn rude

Sorry about the time between posts, i get distracted sometimes.

This topic is a little off base, but is fairly dear to my heart.

I live in Toronto, and as such take the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission ie. Public Transit). Its convienient and i can get anywhere in the city using it. There are disruptions. But i can live with those given that they dont happen constantly.

My problem: People.

I understand you may be in a hurry. Maybe late for a meeting, or have to get home to the sitter. But running up or down the stairs at full tilt with no regard for others using said stairs is not only rude, but actually dangerous for you and those around you. I admit i have been one of these people a couple of times, so i am not totally blameless. But I generally have the decency to watch where i am going and getting out of someones way as opposed to staring at the floor of the stairs on my damn cell phone...I've almost been pushed back down the stairs by a couple of those.

I have a request to anyone using public transit anywhere: Let people off the god damn train before you try to push yourself on to it. If the operator opens the doors on one side of the train/bus/streetcar before the others, that is where you should disembark. You should not wait at the door(s) that people will be embarking onto to vechicle with so you can save yourself a couple a seconds. Its just rude and downright lazy.

One last thing: If you have to use you phone on public transit, speak quietly. Cell phone mics are fairly sensitive. You dont have to talk at the top of your lungs for the person on the other end of the line. My girlfriend can here me whispering into the phone on transit. You dont need to yell, and certainly dont want to know how "i banged this smokin hot chica last night bra" (actually heard this on the bus.... >.<).

Stop being rude, stop being lazy, and I'll stop call you asshats.


1 comment:

  1. One point during rush hour, speaking of horror stories, I was running a bit late for work, and going up an escelator with a 4 year old and her dad in front of me. I waited behind them like any normal person would, and this red haired skinny woman shoved me from behind, trying to get up the stairs. I had to brace myself from plowing into the poor kid. The woman yelled at me for taking my time...I just ignored her, but I really think people need to take a look around, and get off their high horse, or start leaving earlier to get to work on time.
