Friday, November 12, 2010

Some things just make me sick.

I'm afraid my first post after remembrance day has to be an angry one.

I normally support the right of people to protest, but something happened in London, England yesterday that makes me very, very upset.

A group of Muslim calling themselves "Muslims Against Crusades" disturbed the two minute silence purposefully, burning a poppy effigy, shouting 'British soldiers burn in hell'.

Why the hell would you do this. You could protest things like that on any other day. Doing something so hate-filled and poisonous on one of the most solemn moments in the western world  is totally beyond the bounds of human decency. We are respecting the Fallen.

If i were to say similar things about Muslims it could get me arrested for hate-speech (i do realize that these protesters are in the minority. To those that respect the traditions accosiated with remembrance day: Thank you)

The day isn't just about soldiers currently serving, but for those who went before and fought for freedom. The freedom that these protesters are currently enjoying living in Britain. It seems incredibly ungrateful to me. If you can't support the country you reside in on the day it honours ALL its veterans, and not just the ones currently serving, you probably shouldn't be living there.

If you want to protest soldiers in you "homeland" there are more appropriate ways and times to do it.

Take your poisonous politics and hate-filled rhetoric and go stuff it.

Articles that prompted this post:

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